
How to Learn Good English?


I read a book while I was a graduate student in the United States. I would like to quote some sentences I wrote in my previous journal as follows:


1.”There’s only one way you can’t learn English well – if you don’t learn it.”


2.” It’s still up to yourself. What you do yourself, that’s what really matters. Remember the famous saying,” You are what you resolve to be.”


3.”If you stay five years in the United States and don’t write it, it won’t help your writing. If you want to write well, you simply must write; if you don’t write, what you’ve learned won’t get you anywhere, regardless of whether you’re a Ph. D. or whatever.”


4.”Living in the United States certainly helps. I have gained a much better understanding of the American culture, mentality, customs and habits as a result of long-term residence in America.”


5.”A person who wants to learn English well should apply some pressure on himself, only with a suitable amount of pressure can a person bring out his potential…..The best way to learn English is to create an environment and let the environment force your potential to rise.”


以上五段字句引述我當時看書而記錄下來的舊有日記, 在此提供給大家思索並祝學有所成! 每項語言測驗(例如GEPT或是TOEIC)個別有考試的類型或是回答題目的要訣, 若是各位在準備英檢期間能夠多透過英文書籍以及相關的網路資源練習模擬的考試題目, 我認為應該對於該項語言測驗的獲得分數有所幫助! 附帶一提, 像臺北語言訓練測驗中心的網站設有學習資源的連結, 大家可以試著自行搜尋自己擬報考的語言測驗之資訊作為參考!


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