
“家”是一個給予人温馨與安全的處所, 我們也常聽說:”家是一個人的避風港…”這般的話語, 每一個家庭是社會的基本結構, 在每一個家庭裡, 我們期待看到的是父慈子孝、兄友弟恭、夫妻和諧相處的景象!
我無意中翻到自己年輕時候所寫的日記, 閱讀之際, 發現一篇用英文記載的讀書札記; 可惜當時未曾記錄所有文句的資料來源, 但是還是想引述這些文字提供大家參考:
“Home is where you long to be when weary or upset. Home is where the mind will turn its troubles to forget. Home is where you know you’ll always find a helping hand, someone to depend upon, someone to understand.

Lucky you if you’ve a home where peace and harmony - are valued more than all the pleasures of prosperity….”
農曆春節的過年時候是一家庭的成員團聚的時刻, 你會如何為“家”下定義呢? How do you define the word ‘home’? Please try to define what the word ‘home’ means to you.


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